Saturday, March 3, 2007

NHS protests

Up to now the physiotherapy profession in the UK has been rather ineffective in its protests about the adverse effects of NHS changes. These impact on the profession in a number of ways including job losses, reorganisation and graduate unemployment. However in the last few weeks ther has been a growing amount of protest by many other workers in the NHS and it will be interesting to see how physiotherapists respond. Reading some of the things written within the profession one could almost believe that the profession is in its high summer rather than facing the biggest crisis since the foundation of the NHS. There are many outstanding individuals within the profession who are achieving massive amounts but as a group within the public sector there is a growing threat posed by managers wishing to save money and for whom physiotherapy means little because they originally were nurses or accountants. The growing voice of dissatisfaction amongst NHS staff needs to include the concerns of physiotherapists.

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