Monday, March 19, 2007

hospital car parking

It's now something of an assumption that hospital parking is something that patients and visitors have to pay to use but what's shocking is the amounts of money being made on it. Some hospitals make nearly £2.5 million and it has become a major source of revenue. What's really galling is that often hospital managers get priority parking whilst the rest of the staff have to make do with inadequate amounts of staff parking. The irony is that whereas it is unlikely to much of an effect if many managers are late in to the office if most clinicians are late it has an immediate impact on patients. Most hospitals now have staff parking which requires parking permits so staff have to pay to park their cars at work. In some places there is good public transport so there is a real alternative to driving but in many the public transport is inadequate or staff commute from over a very large area making personal transport a necessity. So what's really happening? Many clinical staff including (most physiotherapists) have to pay to use parking at work which is inadequate and they get a lower priority to use the limited parking whilst staff working in non-clinical capacities often get first choice of the parking. Something's not right .

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