Friday, May 4, 2007

Is a ban on pain killers coming?

People are becoming addicts to over the counter pain drugs, so runs a recent news story. The last time this type of thing hit the news was over co-proxamol and it's use in suicide attempts. I have heard first hand how the ban on co-proxamol has badly affected some people and there is the risk that with the typical knee jerk reaction so prevalent in health care policy that another group of drugs which benefit many people will be removed from chemists' shelves. Drug abuse is something which needs attention but there is a massively unequal reaction to the small number of pain killer addicts compared to policy designed to address alcoholism. Alcohol has never been more readily available but UK health and social policy does not do anything to effectively reduce alcohol abuse. The Government has a vested interest in keeping alcohol consuption high because of the tax revenue it generates. There is a seriuos need to get clearer priorities in healthcare policy and to have a more transparent perspective of vested political interest.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

no i dont think so. painkillers are really very beneficial when somebody is suffering from severe pain